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===== about me =====
I'm Lucia (with a singular a). On the Internet you'll probably are more likely to find me going by the name Schlecknits.
I live in Rum, near Innsbruck, Austria. I like working with electronics and 3d designing and printing stuff. Sometimes I also do programming and/or web design. Otherwise, I like cute animals, reading on and researching things I'm currently interested in, trains and public transport in general as well as cooking and baking.
On this website you'll find my personal blog (topics vary widely) as well as some of my projects. If you wanna follow me on social media or contact me reference this list of methods to reach me (if you are using an adblocker, this section might be blocked).
For those interested in such things, I also have an 88x31 button which you can either link directly or rehost on your website:

Please contact me if you'd like to be listed onto my friends list with your own 88x31 button!
about this website
This website is held intentionally minimalist, as I'm not the biggest fan of bloated ressorce-intensive websites and unnessercary eyecandy. Also, I added some 88x31 Buttons on the bottom of the useful stuff page. Some links might link to nowhere as I've gotten around to publishing all code or related blog articles of my projects, but will do so in the future.
= personal projects
luciaa.at website
This literal website. Uses a static Page generator to be build and needs better documentation and some more work.
Hitomezashi Generator
This project written in Python generates so called Hitomezashi patterns, an example of which you can see in the background of my website. The generator takes a wide range of arguments and can produce tiling pattern.
More stuff to come...
... whenever I find the time to document more of my projects properly
==== contact me ====