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====== General =====

Favorite color?
Violet. Probably something along the lines of #46005F. Green is cool also, especially for websites - see: this one right here.
Favorite animal?
This is a hard question. Probably sheep, but I like goats, donkeys, cats, bunnies, foxes, opposums and quokkas as well.
Do you have hobbies outside of computer stuff?
Yes, I actually quite like cooking and baking. I'm also involved in a political activist group, particitpating in discussions and such. I also like repairing electronics of all kinds.

== Computer Stuff ==

What computers are you using?


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  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600
  • GPU: NVIDIA GTX 1660
  • RAM: 32GB DDR4
  • SSD 1TB Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVMe
  • OS: Debian Testing with KDE


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  • Model: Lenovo Thinkpad X270
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6200U
  • GPU: iGPU
  • OS: Debian Stable with KDE
What phone do you use?
Fairphone 3.
What programming languages do you use?
Mainly Python. But I have done smaller projects in C, C# and JavaScript as well.

==== Queer Stuff ===

What's your sexuality?
I'm bisexual. To me that means I like men, women and everything in between and outside of this spectrum.
What's your gender identity?
I'm a transgender woman.
Are you on HRT?
Yes, since 2023-12-11. I started with Estrofem sublingual but switched to transdermal Estrogel in March 2024. Currently I think it works better for me overall. Additionally I take a low dosage of hormone blockers (cyproterone acetate) daily.
How's the process of getting HRT in Austria?
Short answer: Tiresome and expensive.
Long answer: You'll need three seperate statements from a clinical psychologist, a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist - there's no standardized process in any of this disciplines. You'll be best of to search up how the process at a practicioner is done - keep in mind there are still transphobic therapists around, which will refuse you on that basis. And other's will bleed you dry money-wise, like clinical psychologists which need 'at least 6 sessions' at 200 Euros or more each session.
While it's possible to get everything paid by health insurance, this will greatly increase wait times - a friend of mine did so and had an overall wait time of 10 month compared to my 3.5 months. So if anyhow possible I'd recommend doing everything using private providers, where you might or might not be able to get a partial refund via insurance. Unfortunatly, this apparently depends on how your insurance clerk is feeling this day.
What can you expect to pay for private practicioners?
If you get no refund from your health insurance whatsoever, you should expect the following:
  • Psychotherapist: €100,- to €250,- assuming a single session. Look for therapists which do statements on informed consent basis, as you'll only need a single session. Sometimes you'll also be billed the process of writing the statement.
  • Clinical psychologist: €250,- to €450,-. Generally a single session (about 1 to 1.5 hours of talking, followed by 1.5 to 2 hours of filling out diagnostic questionaires) should suffice. However you'll might have a short review session of the statement written by the psychologist as it's by far the most detailed statement.
  • Psychiatrist: €200,- to €400,- takes a single session, unless you have mental illnesses which the psychiatrist deems to be able to interfere with your judgement. Keep in mind that neighter ADHD nor autism are reasons to deny you for gender affirming care and good psychiatrists know that.
How many Blahaj do you own?
Just a single big one. My boyfriend doesn't like the fabric that they are made of, so there won't be any new ones anytime soon. But we own bunch of other plushies so it's not too sad.